Kekova is a long, thin island, 7.4 km long and about 500 meters wide, opposite the villages of Uçağız (Teimiusa) and Kale (Simena). A turquoise sea surrounds the island, the highest peak of which is 188 meters.
Kekova is an island that has become increasingly popular in recent years. Boat tours from Çayağzı (Andriake) started to be called "Kekova Tour"; more importantly, the archaeological natural protection areas on and around the island were named Kekova Protected Area.
Kekova and its surroundings, which have one of the cleanest seas not only in Antalya but also in the whole Mediterranean world, owe this cleanliness to the fact that it is protected. The island has never had the characteristics of a city like the two small harbors opposite it; instead, it was used as a shelter for sailors, a shipbuilding and repair base, protecting the two cities against the Mediterranean like a curtain.