Sustainable Tourism | BERA KONYA
30 June 30 | 1092 Okunma

Bera Konya Hotel: Advancing to the Third Stage in Sustainable Tourism

As Bera Konya Hotel, we take pride in advancing our success in Sustainable Tourism from the first stage to the third stage. Sustainable Tourism is an approach that aims to ensure the long-term sustainability of tourism by considering environmental, social, and economic factors. This approach targets both the preservation of natural resources and the support of the well-being of local communities.

The first stage involves adopting basic sustainability practices. During this phase, we took steps at our hotel to minimize environmental impacts, such as ensuring energy efficiency, implementing water-saving measures, and managing waste effectively. Additionally, initiatives supporting social and economic sustainability were implemented, including the use of local products and adopting sustainability principles within the supply chain.

The transition to the third stage represents the further development and deepening of these practices. At this stage, we switched to renewable energy sources to further reduce our environmental footprint, established water recycling systems, and adopted a zero-waste policy. Moreover, sustainable development projects were initiated in collaboration with local communities, and training programs were organized to enhance our employees' awareness of sustainability.

This achievement is a testament not only to our hotel but also to our region's and nation's efforts to build a more sustainable future in the tourism sector. As Bera Konya Hotel, we are proud of the successes we have achieved on this journey and aim to continue playing a leading role in sustainable tourism.

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